
Tips For Making Your Own Homemade Dog Meals and Treats

Dog meals and snacks don't have to hard to make or take a lot of time. Many snacks can be grabbed straight out of your refrigerator and are much healthier than baked goods. However, there are a few things that I have noticed regarding many homemade dog food recipes that you should avoid doing. 1. Don't microwave your dog's food. Microwaving kills vitamins, minerals and nutrients. The radiation also alters the cell structure of the food. Scientific studies have shown that humans that eat microwaved foods have significant and disturbing changes in their blood cells. Microwaving has many serious side-effects, including altering the minerals in vegetables into cancerous free radicals. It's bad enough that we humans continue to use microwaves to cook our food... let's not subject our animals to it as well. 2. Many recipes that I've seen promote using beef/chicken bouillon cubes and/or canned beef/chicken broth. These products have very high and unhealthy sod

The Temperament Of Cats

Perhaps you imagined yourself as a sleek young woman like Selena Kyle. But is a cat the right pet for you? To decide, you must have an idea what to expect from a cat. You must be familiar about the temperament of cats. First of all, a domestic cat is a highly intelligent and fiercely independent creature. It can never be placed on a leash the way dogs are. Cats do things they want to do and when they want to do it. They will demand the things they want, such as food and play. And they will also make it clear when they want to be left alone. Thus, the owner of a cat cannot expect his pet to do “work” for him. Different breeds of cats have different personalities. Some cats are quiet while others like to meow all the time. Can you tolerate a cat who meows almost every hour? Some cats are fussy and choosy about the food you give them while others will eat just about anything. Can you afford the kind of food that your cat prefers? Some cats don’t mind being surrounded and petted by

The Most Privileged Pets

While most people are content treating their pets to the ocassional plate of "people food" on special ocassions, or perhaps going so far as to give Fido his own Christmas stocking full of doggie treats, some pets are pampered more than many people pamper their children. Celebrities parade through the tabloid headlines, carrying their latest spoiled pet in their arms; upscale pet boutiques sell clothing, designer perfumes and even fancy shoes for dogs and cats; favored pets enjoy private air conditioning systems in their dog houses; tiny teacup dogs sport collars costing more than many new cars! If there were a contest for the most pampered pets in the world, the competition would be fierce. Paris Hilton's famously pampered pet dog would surely be in the running, especially now that "mommy" has her own branded line of top-shelf designer pet apparel. But non-celebs can keep their "babies" in the running too, whether their tastes are as lavish as Par

The Garden Gnomes

The Garden Gnome is not just another yard figurine. It has it’s own distinguished history, culture and controversy attached to it. Before you buy a Garden Gnome for your home be sure to know all of the factors that go along with it. For starters the history of the Garden Gnome dates back to Germany in the 1800’s. The original statues were made out of clay and were hand crafted. They then made their way to England in the mid 1800s. Around the late 1800’s to the 1900’s they made their way into America. During WWII production of these figurines came to an abrupt halt. The German factories were commandeered and converted to support the war efforts. In 1960’s the gnomes picked up popularity again however, they were mass-produced using plastic. Because so many of them were produced they gained the stigma for being a tacky lawn ornament. The clay hand carved Garden Gnomes have been family heirlooms for many families. The Clay figurines are making a come back of sorts, more companies are

The Dalmatian: A brief history of this breed

The breed was named after Dalmatia, a place in Western Yugoslavia on the Adriatic sea, which at one time was part of Austria.  However, the dogs were known in other parts of the world as well long before they acquired the name of Dalmatians. Historians have found references of this beautiful dog since the mid 18th century but also in other parts of the world the historians found that the breed was shown in several types of unique art like engravings, paintings, models and early writings which have accounted for the presence of spotted dogs of the same size throughout Africa, Asia and Europe. History also tell us that ancient gypsies carried these dogs in their trips around the world, which also explains the great widespread and popularity of the breed. Later on, dalmatians were brought to Great Britain by members of the British upper classes who made trips to Europe and would often come back accompanied by some of the striking spotted dogs. After dalmatians were adopted by the B

The Beagle - Friendly Loyal And Loving

A small to medium sized dog, the beagle weighs between 20-28 lbs and is 12" to 16" in height. Sometimes referred to as the English Beagle, this breed is energetic, friendly and loyal both as a family companion and hunting dog. Coat colors accepted by the AKC are orange and white, lemon and white, red and white or tri-colored. Black, white and tan tri-colored coats are the most common. Their medium length coat is smooth, hard and close. It requires minimal brushing and only needs washed occasionally. Friendly, loyal, loving and playful are all qualities that make them excellent family pets. Homes with other dogs, pets and children can all welcome the Beagle as part of the family. They require minimal socialization and actually enjoy the companionship of other pets and their family. A very energetic breed, the beagle needs a home that will give them plenty of play time, exercise and regular walks. When outside they should be in a fenced in yard and a leash should be used

Taking Care Of Your Pet Cat

Before purchasing for yourself a Siamese cat or a rag doll as your pet, make sure that one, you’re not allergic to cats and secondly, your place of living allows house owners to have pets. If you have a problem with any of the two options, you might have to reconsider your decision to own a pet after all. But if there’s no problem with any of those, here are our general tips to help you take good care of your pet cat. There’s a reason why cats are said to have nine lives so if you’re planning to own a pet cat, be aware that the normal lifespan of a pet cat kept indoors could reach up to 17 years or so. If that’s okay with you then great, proceed with your purchase of a pet cat. When you do finally own a pet cat, do keep in mind that your pet cat has to be neutered or spayed before he reaches maturity. This is a necessity if you don’t want your house to be reeking of your pet cat’s urine. The best possible time for spaying would be before your pet cat is seven to eight months o