
Showing posts from June, 2017

Your Child Wants a Pet?

Tired of hearing your child whine about wanting a pet? All parents seem to have this problem at one time or another. Many children want a pet, and it's a perfect way to teach children responsibility. If you've decided to give your children the opportunity to have a pet of their own, you just have to figure out which pet is the right pet! There are a few smaller, easier to care for animals that make great first pets. These are typically a bit more affordable than bigger animals such as dogs or cats. However, with any pet, the owner's personality affects the decision. Gerbils make great pets for smaller children, as they are active during the day and are extremely curious and friendly. Gerbils are actually desert animals. They are very clean animals, which makes cleaning up after them a lot simpler. For a young child's first pet, these are perfect! Gerbils are very social animals, so a pair is definitely the way to go with these animals. However, be sure they are not

Toy Dogs

No, you don’t wind them up and they don’t take batteries “Toy” dogs are becoming more popular all the time. These little dogs, the result of generations of selective breeding, are generally bred as companion animals and people just seem to love them. Their miniature size and playful nature (most toy breeds are good natured dogs with a few exceptions) make them wonderful companions and for several years they have been chic among well to do people. Most of the toy dog breeds hail originally from Asia where the process of selectively breeding dogs to make them smaller is believed to have begun, but there are plenty of toy breeds from other areas of the world as well. Bichon Frise: A small dog that was originally bred as a companion dog, the Bichon Frise possesses a boisterous personality, is very tolerant of children, other animals and strangers, and is highly intelligent and very trainable. These dogs have a short and curly white coat that does require frequent grooming. Chi

Selecting a Labrador Puppy

Labradors are one of the most well known and most popular choices for dog lovers across the nation. A Labrador puppy that is trained well will be a loyal and playful friend as well as a dependable hunter (if it is a retriever) for its owner. When choosing a Labrador, there are a lot of questions to consider. You have probably wondered if the color of the lab makes a difference in the quality of the puppy that you choose. You may also wonder how to find a Labrador puppy that has been bred well. To those questions and more, you will find the answers in the following article. Finding a Labrador Puppy that Has Been Bred Well One of the most important things to look for in a Labrador puppy is one that has been bred well. Authentic breeders will: Be members of the AKC (the American Kennel Club) Will provide you with health records for each puppy Will frequently handle pups Will socialize the pups (e.g. the puppies will not be afraid to play with you) Will in addition remove

Amazing Artemisias

WHO IS ARTEMIS?  Amazonian moon goddess. Goddess of the hunt. Goddess of the wild things. Goddess of the midwife. Goddess of the herbalist. Mother of all Creatures. Leader of the sacred bitches. Great she-bear. Diana. Selene. Ever Virgin; owned by no man. We will visit her sacred wood on a shamanic journey. Who knows what will happen then. HOW DO ARTEMISIAS GROW IN YOUR GARDEN? Most Artemisias are perennials and grow best from cuttings, not seeds. Sweet Annie is the exception, being a self-seeding annual. Although you can buy tarragon seeds, you can't grow   true tarragon from them. Wormwood and southernwood and tarragon (the last not winter-hardy in many places) are woody perennials which regreen each year on last year's new wood; I prune only dead wood from them. Cronewort is an invasive perennial that creeps underground; it dies back to the ground each year and can be heavily harvested (clear cuts are ok) without damage to its further prolific productivity. Most Ar

About The Bonzai Tree

Bonzai is a Japanese word, but its roots are Chinese and are derived from the word “punsa”. This word means “tree in a pot” The practice of growing trees in a pot was originally Chinese, but the practice of growing the Bonzai Tree was made into an art form by the Japanese when the concept was introduced to them about 5 centuries ago. It was not until the early 1900s that the Bonzai Tree was introduced to the western world, but it soon became not only a popular hobby, but began to be considered a serious art form in horticulture by many people. Today, there are Bonzai Tree displays and shows, as well as stores dedicated to the Bonzai Tree. It is a common misconception that the Bonzai Tree is small naturally, but this is not true. The Bonzai Tree comes from the same seed as its larger counterpart, but is grown in a specific way to ensure that it remains tiny. It is vital for the beginner to know that the main element to growing a Bonzai is pruning this is the technique used that a

1,000 Safe, Natural, And Effective Veterinary Secrets To Healing Your Pet

Most people do not know how to treat their pets when their pets needs them most. Surprisingly, alot of people do not even have the education or knowledge on how to care for their pets. The pet's life might be endangered if the owner do not has the knowledge. For example: If pets suffers from the aches and pains of old age and arthritis or it swallows household poison like chocolate, do the owners know how to deal with it? Most of the time the answer is "NO" as they are cluless on what to do next. So the next best action that a owner can do is to educate themselves better on how to care for their pets. If you have the knowledge, you will be able to -- Instantly decide on a course of action for your ailing pet - so you can ease pain               and start treatment immediately. -- Easily afford natural and effective remedies regardless of your financial situation  so your pet doesn't have to go without treatment. -- Quickly diagnose your sick or injured pet

Basic Principles In A Dog Lovers Club

There are lots of dog lovers clubs in the US that offer a lot more for both the dog lovers and their dogs. Here are some of them. The American Kennel Club has a dog lovers sections called “For the Love of the Purebred Dog”. This article is more than a canine purebred section. It is dedicated to living at home with dogs. This dog club gives informative and educational materials pertaining to pet care, training, nutrition and a lot more. It also includes funny stories, art, pet history and the more popular Companion Animal Recovery method. There are also more popular sites like the dog breeds and events page. The American Mixed Breed Obedience Registration or (AMBOR) on the other hand was created in 1983 with the objective of taking into accounts the perseverance and accolades in obedience contests of mix breed dogs and handlers. This dog lovers club also gives support and inspiration to dog handlers. Important Information for Members: 1. Mixed-breeds Unlimited full membersh

5 Quick Gardening Tips to Save You Money

It’s easy to spend a fortune every year creating a beautiful yard. These five tips can help save you money in both this, and future gardening seasons. 1. Plan your vegetable garden according to what your neighbors are planting so you can share your vegetables when they’re ready for eating. Often I’ve had too many of one kind of vegetable I couldn’t give away because my friend’s were ripe at the same time. 2. Select perennials rather than annuals for your flowerbeds. As they multiply each year, cut them back and exchange with your friends so you both have lovely gardens and save money at the same time. 3. Compost your kitchen scraps, as well as your coffee grounds.  The end result is much better than any potting soil you can ever get buy from a nursery or hardware store. The price is right, and this is definitely recycling! 4. Instead of using mulch, try pebbles or small rocks in your garden as ground cover.  This will save you lots of cash since you won’t need to buy mulch i