
Showing posts from 2017

The Temperament Of Cats

Perhaps you imagined yourself as a sleek young woman like Selena Kyle. But is a cat the right pet for you? To decide, you must have an idea what to expect from a cat. You must be familiar about the temperament of cats. First of all, a domestic cat is a highly intelligent and fiercely independent creature. It can never be placed on a leash the way dogs are. Cats do things they want to do and when they want to do it. They will demand the things they want, such as food and play. And they will also make it clear when they want to be left alone. Thus, the owner of a cat cannot expect his pet to do “work” for him. Different breeds of cats have different personalities. Some cats are quiet while others like to meow all the time. Can you tolerate a cat who meows almost every hour? Some cats are fussy and choosy about the food you give them while others will eat just about anything. Can you afford the kind of food that your cat prefers? Some cats don’t mind being surrounded and petted by

The Most Privileged Pets

While most people are content treating their pets to the ocassional plate of "people food" on special ocassions, or perhaps going so far as to give Fido his own Christmas stocking full of doggie treats, some pets are pampered more than many people pamper their children. Celebrities parade through the tabloid headlines, carrying their latest spoiled pet in their arms; upscale pet boutiques sell clothing, designer perfumes and even fancy shoes for dogs and cats; favored pets enjoy private air conditioning systems in their dog houses; tiny teacup dogs sport collars costing more than many new cars! If there were a contest for the most pampered pets in the world, the competition would be fierce. Paris Hilton's famously pampered pet dog would surely be in the running, especially now that "mommy" has her own branded line of top-shelf designer pet apparel. But non-celebs can keep their "babies" in the running too, whether their tastes are as lavish as Par

The Garden Gnomes

The Garden Gnome is not just another yard figurine. It has it’s own distinguished history, culture and controversy attached to it. Before you buy a Garden Gnome for your home be sure to know all of the factors that go along with it. For starters the history of the Garden Gnome dates back to Germany in the 1800’s. The original statues were made out of clay and were hand crafted. They then made their way to England in the mid 1800s. Around the late 1800’s to the 1900’s they made their way into America. During WWII production of these figurines came to an abrupt halt. The German factories were commandeered and converted to support the war efforts. In 1960’s the gnomes picked up popularity again however, they were mass-produced using plastic. Because so many of them were produced they gained the stigma for being a tacky lawn ornament. The clay hand carved Garden Gnomes have been family heirlooms for many families. The Clay figurines are making a come back of sorts, more companies are

The Dalmatian: A brief history of this breed

The breed was named after Dalmatia, a place in Western Yugoslavia on the Adriatic sea, which at one time was part of Austria.  However, the dogs were known in other parts of the world as well long before they acquired the name of Dalmatians. Historians have found references of this beautiful dog since the mid 18th century but also in other parts of the world the historians found that the breed was shown in several types of unique art like engravings, paintings, models and early writings which have accounted for the presence of spotted dogs of the same size throughout Africa, Asia and Europe. History also tell us that ancient gypsies carried these dogs in their trips around the world, which also explains the great widespread and popularity of the breed. Later on, dalmatians were brought to Great Britain by members of the British upper classes who made trips to Europe and would often come back accompanied by some of the striking spotted dogs. After dalmatians were adopted by the B

The Beagle - Friendly Loyal And Loving

A small to medium sized dog, the beagle weighs between 20-28 lbs and is 12" to 16" in height. Sometimes referred to as the English Beagle, this breed is energetic, friendly and loyal both as a family companion and hunting dog. Coat colors accepted by the AKC are orange and white, lemon and white, red and white or tri-colored. Black, white and tan tri-colored coats are the most common. Their medium length coat is smooth, hard and close. It requires minimal brushing and only needs washed occasionally. Friendly, loyal, loving and playful are all qualities that make them excellent family pets. Homes with other dogs, pets and children can all welcome the Beagle as part of the family. They require minimal socialization and actually enjoy the companionship of other pets and their family. A very energetic breed, the beagle needs a home that will give them plenty of play time, exercise and regular walks. When outside they should be in a fenced in yard and a leash should be used

Taking Care Of Your Pet Cat

Before purchasing for yourself a Siamese cat or a rag doll as your pet, make sure that one, you’re not allergic to cats and secondly, your place of living allows house owners to have pets. If you have a problem with any of the two options, you might have to reconsider your decision to own a pet after all. But if there’s no problem with any of those, here are our general tips to help you take good care of your pet cat. There’s a reason why cats are said to have nine lives so if you’re planning to own a pet cat, be aware that the normal lifespan of a pet cat kept indoors could reach up to 17 years or so. If that’s okay with you then great, proceed with your purchase of a pet cat. When you do finally own a pet cat, do keep in mind that your pet cat has to be neutered or spayed before he reaches maturity. This is a necessity if you don’t want your house to be reeking of your pet cat’s urine. The best possible time for spaying would be before your pet cat is seven to eight months o

Some Thoughts On Planting Roses

Although all kinds of gardening is my passion in life, nothing but nothing gives me greater pleasure than my beautiful rose garden. They are just so stunning, and I do really love the colors and the amazing varieties which are available. To get the best from your rose garden however there are quite a few important pointers to bear in mind, and I would like to share some of these with you. When the spring comes and the ground is thawed it is time to start planting your rose garden. Roses have actually been a cherished aphrodisiac since biblical times, and have been around for over 3000 years. Despite this, they still hold a particular mystery and fascination, not to mention the fact that they look and smell fantastic. One of the most important rules of growing roses is to plant the rose bush in an area that receives around 4 to 6 hours of sunlight every day. It is also advisable not to plant too many trees or other plants around the rose bush, because many of these are likely t

Shrubs - the Way I Like It!

Of recent times, the popularity of this pint-sized horticultural woody plant has been growing in leaps and bounds. People who wish to be in touch with their inner side and Mother Nature prefer taking care of shrubs rather than other types of plants because generally cuter and easier to transfer to different locations. There are a huge variety of plants that can be classified as shrubs or trees, depending on their growing conditions. So don’t be confused when a plant shop owner offers you something that you initially thought was a tree. On the other hand, minute-sized plants like lavender and periwinkle are frequently referred to as subshrubs. Shrubs can also be deciduous or evergreen. Glossary for Shrub Clubs Bush – a plant that is also referred to as shrub in some cases Shrubbery – A part of a garden or park where shrubs are cultivated; if the shrubs are clipped as topiary, these plants would tend to grow dense foliage and small leafy branches that are bunched together Shrub

Rose Gardening In Late Fall

The months of November and December can be an awkward time for many rosarians. While the growing season is coming to and end, the winter hibernation season has not yet begun. Some of us just don't know what to do with ourselves or our rose bushes during this period of time. Because your bushes are not yet in hibernation they still require some attention from you. Water continues to be a prime need, so make sure that the soil around their roots continues to remain moist. Give them a good soaking as need be, but, as always, don't over-water. Water is an important part of your roses' winter survival requirements and properly hydrated roots will help them stay protected when the cold weather arrives. Stop all pruning and deadheading activity so you do not encourage new growth. You should have stopped applying organics last month, and you don't want to apply any more fertilizer now either. Your goal is to keep your roses healthy while, at the same time, encouraging

Put Your Lawn On a Diet

Those wonderful green lawns many homeowners care about so much can be made much more healthy if we put them on a diet.  Overfeeding causes as many problems with lawns as it does with people.  Fat lawns are not healthy lawns.  Rather than go on about this problem, let me simply tell you about the research at the University of Guelph. Researcher Christopher Hallfound there was a way to promote health in the lawn by the frequency of the fertilizer application and the amount of fertilizer applied. According the Hall, fertilizer for lawns should be applied three times per year.  One quarter of the fertilizer being applied should be applied in early summer, (not early spring) when the ground warms up and the grass is beginning to really grow. Another quarter is applied in late summer, around the middle of August when the fall rains are promoting growth, and the last half of the fertilizer is applied at the end of November to fatten up the roots for winter survival. This application ra

Protect Your Dog From These Preventable Threats

Owning a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have in their lifetime, but having a dog is much more than the occasional walk around the block or playing fetch in the yard. There are many other responsibilities that one must consider in order to be a good dog owner. Your dog’s health is a major concern to any good pet owner and in this article we will concentrate on some preventable threats to your pet. As winter ends and spring starts, so do different types of threats to your dog. Obviously, as the weather starts getting nicer, your pet spends more time outdoors and is more susceptible to the these threats. It is important to be alert for ticks, mosquitoes and micro organisms that spread diseases that are harmful to your dog’s health. Ticks normally live in wooded areas or in tall brush and do not transmit bacteria through the air, but by biting the dog. Some other threats are summarized below: Lyme disease- is a tick-borne bacterial disease and it can cause

Preventative Health Care Strategies for your Pet

In most homes in America, the family pet is just like another member of the family.  While we may not invite them to join us at the table for dinner, we love them nonetheless.  As with any other family member, the health and wellbeing of our pets is of the utmost importance.  By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your furry friends are a part of your family for many years to come. Be sure to have your pets vaccinated annually.  With all of the debate surrounding vaccine safety, many pet owners have opted out of vaccinating their pets.  The main issue to be aware of is that animals are highly susceptible to contracting certain diseases, such as canine parvovirus and canine distemper.  These diseases are easily prevented with standard vaccinations, and very expensive to treat should preventative measures be ignored.  Standard therapy for these diseases can cost upwards of $1000.00, when factoring in antibiotics and hospitalization.  The vaccine itself might cost a fra

Pit Bull Terrier Obedience Training: Clicker Training

A very popular technique that is being used for Pit Bull terrier training is with the help of a "clicker". Clicker dog obedience training makes use of a small plastic box that has a metal button on top of it which makes a clicking sound once it is pressed. Clicker training is hit or miss, your Pit may react well and learn from it or he may decide otherwise. There have been a lot of success stories with clicker training. Canine training research has shown in many dog studies that the clicker promotes obedience training without the use of harsh discipline or negative reinforcement. The idea behind clicker training is that whenever your Pit does something positive, he'll get rewarded and continue to behave in that manner. Dogs are extremely intelligent and if they do something that earns them praise or a tasty treat, they'll quickly learn to repeat the action. Training your Pit Bull terrier with a clicker is a good way to reinforce positive behaviors. If your Pit

Pet Picture Frames – Because It Is One Of The Best Tributes

"I just wanted to let you know that I made it home. The journey wasn't an easy one, but it didn't take too long. Here there is no sadness, no sorrow, and no pain. Here there is no crying and I'll never hurt again. Here it is so peaceful when all the angels sing. I really have to go for now... I've just got to try my wings."  - Unknown This poem by an unknown poet encapsulates the essence of losing a pet and the ensuing freedom the pet may feel as he leaves for his heavenly journey. Most pet owners find it difficult to deal with the death of their loved pet, but find ways to cope with the pain. Of course, your pet cannot live with you forever, but you can always employ ways to keep those beautiful memories you shared with him fresh and alive forever. Coming to grips with losing your pet is a painful but inevitable process. Your pet fulfils the need of that special companion, who is not only loyal, caring, friendly, but also unconditionally loving! Pets

Persian cat: Chocolate and Lilac color

Chocolate or lilac Persians? Can it be possible? I, as an owner, breeding Persians and exots, pose myself such a problem quite recently. Of, course they exist, if to see from genetic point of view. These colors are included into standard, there is their description, but... Where are they? By all accounts from abroad, they have such animals but for some reason they are more often met in pedigrees of British cats as experimental partners for leading new color into the breed, but not like exhibition stars. It had to spent lots of time to answer the question: "What is the real situation with Lilac and Chocolate in the Persian group?" The paradox came to light at once: there is enough big number of Points with Chocolate and Lilac masques and practically full absence of equally colored individuals. Probably, the fashion played its role in it. After all, from the genetic point of view Lilac-Point color is more difficult in receiving than, for example, Chocolate Solid (solid-mon

Obedience Training For Your Dog

There are dogs that do not have bad behaviors, and even if their owners are trying hard to tech them to obey some simple commands, these dogs are hardheaded. Chances are, many owners would just dump them to dog pounds because they are already fed up, and could no longer understand the behavior anymore. These things should have been avoided if obedience training was used and implemented. Mostly obedience training in dogs is used to create a groundwork from which the dog and his master will learn how to effectively correspond to each other. Moreover, obedience training is also employed by dog owners whose dogs are behaving badly. It is one way of incorporating discipline in the dog’s behavior. This kind of training makes him realize that certain behaviors are not allowed and that he should not act that way. When obedience training is incorporated to a dog’s behavior, the dog, in turn, will be able to respond properly with the right behavior that is expected of him to manifest.

Mixing of the Breeds: Is It a Good Idea?

They are by no means a new idea. People have been creating their own bettered versions of dogs for many years. There is a sudden increase the newer versions of these so-called designer mutts. According to those who own them they are allergy free, they don’t shed and they have a lovely disposition. Not everyone thinks the new trend is a good idea. And there are plenty of widely acknowledged downsides. When it comes to tinkering with nature these breeders are taking some genetic chances that might turn nasty in a few generations. The American Kennel Club is the recognized authority when it comes to matters of breeding. None of these so called designer mutts are officially recognized. Even though many of the 153 recognized are crossbreeds, these breeds might be recognized in years to come; the most popular of these designer mutts is the Labradoodle. If you are thinking about buying one of these dogs you will need to know a bit about some of the risks involved. Whilst it is of

Make Wind Chimes A Part Of Your Garden Yard Decor

You can make your landscape design sing in harmony with nature by using wind chimes that have been perfectly tuned to audible perfection. It doesn’t matter what type of unique home d้cor you have, or what your landscape and garden yard d้cor is -- a wind chime will add charm, and can create a subtle sense of feng shui mystique. A set of properly tuned wind chimes blends in with the forces of nature to create a sense of balance compatible to the feng shui philosophy. The rich notes and soul-stirring ambiance produced as wind greets the clapper or striker, sends a sweet, haunting melody vibrating through each pipe. A sense of calm and tranquility washes over every ear. You can purchase wind chimes online. Available in a variety of styles and sizes, in price ranges to please every pocketbook. A wind chime is the perfect choice for anniversary gifts that will touch the heart and symbolize marital harmony, and bliss. They also make great personalized housewarming gifts, sure to delig

Looking for an Pet care services

Pet lover always spend their more resources on pet care services. They say that pet become like their family member and pet need extra care and attention and for that they are ready to spend. Many pet care services are available in your city. Special doctors are always available to care of their health. Most important is that the pet gets more personal attention and love in absence of its owner. Pet get well treated in services centre and they made more familiar and comfortable with the atmosphere where lives. Many cities have been developed pet-friendly shelter and deliver them all the attention and resources like medicines and other resources for better pet care services. Pet care service centre also provides you all the information related to pet health care and pet health insurance and many more. Which helps you to know more about your pet health and their needs? Pet care service centre  trained pet in every manner so that you don’t have to impose your pet on your relati

Lighting your Coral

There are some species of coral that can survive with the normal amount of lighting, so for the beginner, you may want to stick to these species. Specifically, Mushroom Coral and Coral Polyps can survive with normal lighting techniques. Conversely, species such as SPS (Small Polyp Stony Coral) that include Acoropora, Montipora, Porites, Brain Coral, Bubble Coral, Elegance Coral, Cup Coral, Torch Coral, and Trumpet Coral require far greater intensity with lighting, making them a substantially greater challenge for the aquarium hobbyist, especially considering more light usually means more harmful algae will grow in the tank. The best lighting technique to keep your coral safe is the light emitting diode (LED) technology, which has begun to make the former standards: gas and filament based lighting systems obsolete.  Though initially more expensive then gas and filament systems, over time they save money because they use less power and have a longer lifespan, meaning less replacem

Leash Training Your Pit Bull Terrier: Dog Training Advice

As a loving and caring Pit Bull owner, you will undoubtedly spend a lot of your time in training your dog. You will probably do some crate training, obedience training, maybe even agility training. But, one of the most enjoyable things you can do for your Pit Bull is leash training. He may not think very highly of it at first, but once he has the hang of it, your outside time with him will be much more enjoyable for you both. Leash training is also an important step in training your Pit Bull for shows, if that is your ultimate goal. Most experts recommend that you begin leash training your Pit Bull when he is around six or seven weeks old. Usually at this age, he will have a better attention span, and will be up for walks with you. When you first start walking with your Pit Bull puppy, you may want to allow the puppy some freedom at first, so that he can explore his area and play. The training at this time will be teaching your Pit Bull puppy to stay with you during your walk, a

Learn About The Different Types Of Roses

A rose is a rose, is a rose, right? Actually, roses come in several distinct varieties and each has its pros and cons. Before you shop for roses for your new rose garden, you should know which types of roses there are. If you love the way roses look climbing over an arbor, then you may want to take a close look at climbing roses. While most people call any rose that shoots up fast a climbing rose, some of these roses are actually sprawling roses. However, they all basically are roses with vigorously growing canes, small flowers that bloom profusely during the rose’s blooming season, and rather wicked thorns. As climbing roses become well established, some gardeners replace their pruning shears with a tree saw to hack these plants down to a manageable size. These roses are usually quite disease resistant. When you plant a climbing rose, you should cut down all but three of the strongest, most powerful canes. This gives the rose plenty of energy to put into growing stronger, more

Know Your Protein Skimmer Before You Buy It

1.The protein skimmer can remove the organic wastes almost as soon as they are formed in your aquarium. That means, you are able to eliminate them before they are disintegrated by the bacteria in the tank into nitrogenous matter. Nitrogen in the tank can be harmful, as it will interfere with the properties of the water and even get converted into toxic forms that could be life-threatening to the inhabitants of the aquarium. 2.If you are continuously removing the organic protein wastes from the aquarium with the skimmer, it is obvious that the aquarium will not require frequent water changes. 3.Apart from the protein wastes, the protein skimmers are also capable of removing fatty substances that collect in the tank and some carbohydrates. Even organic molecules containing elements like copper can be eliminated. How do you choose a Protein Skimmer for your Aquarium? But, though a protein skimmer is a very essential device, it is also one of the most expensive additions that you

Kennel Cough In Dogs

The condition commonly known as “Kennel Cough” is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases that dogs can contract. The disease is not serious in most cases, however, and often resolves itself after one to two weeks. The accepted medical term for kennel cough is tracheobronchitis, indicating a form of bronchitis that affects the dog’s trachea. Kennel cough can be caused by several airborne bacteria and viruses. It is generally accepted that most cases of kennel cough are caused by the bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica but it has also been associated with the canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine parainfluenza. It is the general consensus of the veterinary medical community that in order to cause the illness, an animal must be virtually bombarded by multiple versions of these pathogens at one time. For this reason it is dogs that spend a lot of time around other dogs that are most at risk for the disease. Dogs that participate in dog shows or spend a lot of time in kennels a

Keep Your Dog In Your Yard

People keep your dogs in your yard, you need a fence, a chain, or a leash.  Your dog running loose is an accident waiting to happen and it may not be your dog that gets hurt, it could easily be a child. Plus if your dog gets hit by a car I will feel bad, I also don't want my daughter to see it. We have a very friendly dog, most people do, but when a strange dog who also might be friendly comes up things can go wrong. You never know how dogs will react to each other and a child could easily get caught in the middle. There are a few people in my neighborhood that just don't pay attention and their dogs are continually running the neighborhood.  Hey I understand they all get away from us once in awhile, but it is not an every week occurrence. I don't dare let my daughter walk the dog around the block by herself because of these other dogs.  I don't know that she could keep control of our dog for one to get quickly away, plus I am afraid she will get caught in the

Is It Really Teak Wood? Caveat Emptor! - Part 2

This article contains a plethora of information and would be difficult to take in all at once. For that reason, I have broken this article into two parts. “Caveat Emptor” is Latin for “Let the buyer beware”. We all want to pay as little as possible for the most product we can buy. The challenge we have is to pay enough attention to what it is we are actually purchasing so as not to become let down later when we find out we did not really get what we thought we would be getting. When it comes to outdoor furniture, Teak wood is still the standard that all other woods are compared to. Because it is in such high demand, consumers want to purchase this best quality product or something even better, for less money. If marketers can help the buyer to perceive they are getting something better for less money the buyer tends to jump on it. And therein lies the problem: Perception. There is outdoor wood furniture being advertised as teak like, better than teak, or stronger than teak f