Keep Your Dog In Your Yard

People keep your dogs in your yard, you need a fence, a chain, or a leash.  Your dog running loose is an accident waiting to happen and it may not be your dog that gets hurt, it could easily be a child. Plus if your dog gets hit by a car I will feel bad, I also don't want my daughter to see it.

We have a very friendly dog, most people do, but when a strange dog who also might be friendly comes up things can go wrong. You never know how dogs will react to each other and a child could easily get caught in the middle.

There are a few people in my neighborhood that just don't pay attention and their dogs are continually running the neighborhood.  Hey I understand they all get away from us once in awhile, but it is not an every week occurrence.

I don't dare let my daughter walk the dog around the block by herself because of these other dogs.  I don't know that she could keep control of our dog for one to get quickly away, plus I am afraid she will get caught in the middle between the two dogs if there is a problem.

Yes I am an over protective mom at times, but I shouldn't have to worry about dogs running loose in the neighborhood all the time.  My daughter knows if there is ever a problem you drop the leash and get to safety, but that is a tough thing for a younger child to do if they think their dog might get hurt.  They want to help.

I have decided to start calling the pound on these dogs.  Don't get me wrong I will use discrimination, if I know where the dog belongs and it is friendly I will return it to the owner.  But there are a couple dogs around here that seem to accidentally get out a couple times a week that I don't trust, and they will be turned in. Plus I don't know where they are coming from, they are not from within a four block radius of my house I am pretty sure.

Now watch, my dog will get out next week.

Basically what I am saying is parents you need to warn your children what to do if they are out walking their dog and another one approaches.  It could turn out bad not only for the dogs but your child as well.


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