Flowerless, no problems grow your own organic flowers part 2

Organic pest control In our opinion pests are a part of nature and should be tolerated, they add to your gardens diversity, organic flowers by definition, will not be like the blemish free supermarket produce that are odorless. Organic flowers will have beautiful flagrances and sweet aromas that you will love. However there are a few useful tips if you really must get rid of those pesky buggers One of the best solutions is to buy or lure ladybirds (ladybugs) to spread throughout your garden. Ladybirds are particularly fond of the following plants that you can add to your garden, fennel, dill, cilantro, caraway, angelica, tansy, wild carrot & yarrow. Ants and termites You can kill these with an old fashioned trick, boiling water Aphids Gardeners best friend the ladybird also try organic insecticidal soap Caterpillars Hand pick off individual flowers or try using the organic derris pesticide Slugs and snails Another old fashioned trick that does work, set up t...