
Showing posts from August, 2017

Flowerless, no problems grow your own organic flowers part 2

Organic pest control In our opinion pests are a part of nature and should be tolerated, they add to your gardens diversity, organic flowers by definition, will not be like the blemish free supermarket produce that are odorless. Organic flowers will have beautiful flagrances and sweet aromas that you will love. However there are a few useful tips if you really must get rid of those pesky buggers One of the best solutions is to buy or lure ladybirds (ladybugs) to spread throughout your garden. Ladybirds are particularly fond of the following plants that you can add to your garden, fennel, dill, cilantro, caraway, angelica, tansy, wild carrot & yarrow. Ants and termites You can kill these with an old fashioned trick, boiling water Aphids Gardeners best friend the ladybird also try organic insecticidal soap Caterpillars Hand pick off individual flowers or try using the organic derris pesticide Slugs and snails Another old fashioned trick that does work, set up t

Flowerless, no problems grow your own organic flowers

Liquid feeds Compost tea is easy to make, pick your compost (stinging nettles, goat/sheep manure or homemade compost) then fill up an old pillowcase with you organic material. Tie the pillow case and attach a weight, a couple of bricks will do nicely. Sink this in a large water filled container, cover the container and leave for a couple of days. Hey presto you now have a light liquid feed, you can leave it longer if you need a strong liquid feed, the left overs in the pillowcase can be used as a bedding mulch If you go fishing or are creating large quantities of good compost you will probably be using lots of worms or maggots, the liquid build up in worm colony containers can be used as a liquid feed, it needs to be diluted though ten parts water to one part worm excrement. This feed is an excellent source of phosphorus and potassium. Organic fertilizers Bird manure is a super source of nitrogen the catch is that fresh bird manure can burn the roots of your flowers, you n

Find the Right Pet Carrier to Fit Your (and Your Pet's) Lifestyle!

If you're someone who is always on the go, the chances are good that there are times when you want to take your pet with you. Indeed, more people than ever before are bringing their furry and feathered friends along on car trips, camping trips, and even airplane trips. When you do, though, you want to make sure your lovable pet travels safely and in style. To help you find a pet carrier that fits your and your pet's needs, here is an overview of what's available: Bicycle Pet Carriers Bicycling is fun and great exercise. Whether you're going to a nearby park or riding along a boardwalk, your pet will want to go along for a ride! Bicycle pet carriers come in two main styles: baskets and trailers. The best baskets weigh in a less than five pounds, and can comfortably accommodate pets weighing up to 13 pounds and standing up to 13 inches tall at the shoulders. Designed to sit on a bicycle's handlebars, rip stop polyester baskets typically have sturdy carrying han

Easy Does It With Robotic Lawn Mowers

Everything is automated nowadays. Seems like every manufacturer’s aim in innovating a product is to make it all faster and simpler. Surprisingly, robot mowers have been around for a few years now. You thought that mowing the lawns was a breeze after those industrial machines came out right? Well, those became obsolete with the appearance of these intelligent robotic lawn mowers. Imagine mowing the lawn right there under the cool shade of your front porch. All you need is to push the button on the remote, look at the robotic lawn mower, and make sure it is right where the grass is thick. The robotic lawn mower effectively mows lawn of regular size, within its average run time of 2 hours. But it depends on the power of the mower, of course. The bigger it is, the longer the run time it will have. The Zuchetti Ambrogio Evolution is equipped with a rechargeable Lithium battery to power up the blades and runs for 2 hours. For the robotic lawn mower to be within the area, you would h

Dog Worms: Understand Dog Worms Symptoms and Infestation

Until a very recent period, dog worms were thought to be of a spontaneous origin, brought about by the influence of heat upon decaying vegetable matter, and it was and still is freely asserted that puppies are born with dog worms inherited from the mother in some mysterious manner while still in uterus. This has been conclusively proven an error and in the minds of all scientists there is no question about dog worms springing from individual eggs and having a complete life history of their own. The principal worm species with which dog owners have to contend are round worms and tape worms. The first named commonly infest puppies and consequently are most dreaded by breeders. In shape and size these worms resemble common angle worms, but in color are lighter, being almost white or only a pale pink. In adult dogs these worms, when full grown, are from three to seven inches long. In puppies they are about half that length, and as thick as common white string. Round worms live in th

Dog Training: Teaching Puppy Not to Jump or Bite

You finally have your adorable, cuddly new puppy.  You are happy to have him and he is happy to have a family.  But wait - it's just the beginning.  There are 2 behaviors you need to deal with almost immediately - jumping on people and biting. Jumping on people This is a problem that you or others might inadvertently encourage.  He is so little and cute, that little tail is wagging and, after all, isn't socialization and getting used to people important?  Of course socialization and getting used to people is crucial but allowing him to jump on people isn't the way to do it.Imagine your cute, little puppy as a full grown 80 - 100 pound dog.  Will it be so cute when he jumps on people then?  No and it will be dangerous if he jumps on children or small adults because he could easily knock them down. The best time to take care of this is, of course, when he is a puppy.  When the puppy jumps up on you or someone else, gently place the puppy's feet back on the floor.

Dog fleas can cause more than itching.

Simple facts about dog fleas: Fleas are probably the most successful creatures on the planet in terms of reproduction. There are over 2,400 species and they are difficult to control for a variety of reasons: One female flea will produce 25,000 offspring in one month. An unfed adult can live for several months. The chemicals used to eradicate adult dog fleas have no effect on the eggs. Fleas are very good at mutating to resist new pesticides. Fleas are a menace to dogs! They cause allergic dermatitis, tapeworms, and anemia. Most of the eggs are not laid on the dog but in the dog's bedding, in the rug, and on the furniture. It is extremely difficult to eradicate fleas completely. The most you can hope for is to control them and to keep your dog reasonably comfortable during the warm, moist flea season. The best way to control dog fleas is to remove them from your dog and your house. Take him to a groomer for the day and have him bathed with veterinarian-approved flea shamp

Dog, Foe or Friend

Of all the animals of the world the dog has proved itself the most adept at learning. Dog obedience is a very desirable aspect of  dog and man relationship, but unfortunately most dogs even though domesticated, lack dog obedience. This singular characteristic of dogs, however, has not discouraged man from keeping dogs as his best friend. Rather a lot of effort has been made to teach dogs  obedience and responsibility. To this end lots of dog trainers, dog schools and books are now available for dog owners who are desirous of transforming their dogs into  humanlike companions having the capabilities to think fast enough to react to different commands and thereby answer to the others needs. Dogs have been trained for use by the Police, the army, the physically challenged and these dogs have equated themselves quite creditably. There are stories of Dogs who have saved their master’s lives and property. Trained dogs engage in sporting competitions and have worn laurels for their own

Designer Flowers For Any Occasion

Designer flowers are a great way to show someone in your life that you are thinking of him or her. Designer flowers are created in beautiful arrangements and bouquets that are sure to please anyone that receives them. Designer flowers are special arrangements that have been created by some of the most famous names in the floral industry. These floral experts that create the designs and arrangements are synonymous with being the very best florists. If you have an upcoming event and you want to impress the guests, then designer flowers are definitely the way to go. Whether your upcoming event is a wedding, a birthday, an anniversary, or a holiday, designer flowers are sure to please everyone in attendance. Designer flowers are also a great way to dress up a boring or plain room in your home. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to improve the look of a room, or rooms, then you may want to consider flowers as a way to solve your decoration issues. Designer flowers come in ar