Dog, Foe or Friend

Of all the animals of the world the dog has proved itself the most adept at learning. Dog obedience is a very desirable aspect of  dog and man relationship, but unfortunately most dogs even though domesticated, lack dog obedience.

This singular characteristic of dogs, however, has not discouraged man from keeping dogs as his best friend. Rather a lot of effort has been made to teach dogs  obedience and responsibility. To this end lots of dog trainers, dog schools and books are now available for dog owners who are desirous of transforming their dogs into  humanlike companions having the capabilities to think fast enough to react to different commands and thereby answer to the others needs.

Dogs have been trained for use by the Police, the army, the physically challenged and these dogs have equated themselves quite creditably. There are stories of Dogs who have saved their master’s lives and property. Trained dogs engage in sporting competitions and have worn laurels for their owners. Other trained dogs have been of immense value during search and rescue operations after natural, accidental or terrorist disasters.

But none of this praise worthy dog actions is possible without good dog training. Untrained dogs are very dangerous  and become nuisance to the family and society at large. Untrained dogs are known to have the habit of chewing up things in the house especially shoes and furniture; putting their mouths in food items and generally disrupting the normal family set up.  Dogs aggressions have caused both health problems and even deaths to family members , strangers and  neighbours.

This situation has led to many dog owners killing or sending into the streets their former pet dogs. Most of which can be found in shelters all over the country. Now let me say that a dog is not responsible for its level of intelligence, rather its owner is responsible for a dogs behaviour. The truth is that a dog is capable of learning, so it behoves dog owners to ensure that their dogs get real training  in order to get the best out of them.

That the relationship between man and dog is inalienable is so obvious. What is not quite  clear is whether all dog owners are well informed as to how to go about ensuring that their dogs get the training that makes them responsible members of  society.


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